Transform your business with
outbound growth

Outbound Buddy is a go-to-market agency specialising in personalised outreach at scale

We combine 15+ years of experience in e-commerce, SaaS sales and consulting
with the latest innovations in outbound technologies

Our Services

We offer a range of consulting and expert outbound offerings dependent on your business needs.

  • Best for: transforming your outbound function in-house.


    • Audit of your as-is outbound processes

    • Actionable insights to improve

    • Ongoing support & training in sales & SDR management best practice

    Charged as a monthly retainer

  • Best for: outsourcing your outbound function to the experts

    • Email & domain infrastructure support

    • ICP/IAP Definition

    • Hyper-personalised copywriting

  • Best for: Maximising the growth potential of your hosted event or conference attendance

    • Defining your target lead list

    • Creative outreach methods

    • Event follow-up activations

Don’t see what you’re looking for?
Reach out for a bespoke quote.

We’re a team of friends turned founders with a diverse skillset to supercharge your outbound function.

Jamie Mumford

  • Jamie has 7+ years of sales experience as a top-performing AE, SDR manager and industry thought leader. Together with Khaydien, Jamie has transformed the outbound function at Yotpo, and now leads Outbound Buddy to do the same for our clients.

Khaydien Anderson

  • In addition to being our in-house expert for all things Clay & automation workflows, Khaydien has first-hand experience as an AI-enabled SDR & AE in the weeds of digital transformation at Yotpo. He is also an avid SDR mentor and Clay creator.

Darcy Gleeson

  • Darcy is an ex-IBM iX consultant turned ecomm product manager. She brings  deep expertise from her time building digital products on effective go-to-market strategy, value-driven prioritisation and ways of working best practices.

How can we help?